Urban games are game situations developed in urban spaces, designed to provide an enriching experience on a specific topic. In our case, the main objective of the PYR urban game is to propose a new approach to the education about online hate speech.
Our players can live, through the game, an immersive (and controlled) experience aimed at stimulating a deeper reflection on the topic.
Within the project Play Your Role 4 urban games were realized and carried out with more then 400 youngsters, teachers and educators in Italy, Germany, Lithuania and Poland.
The ongoing COVID 19 pandemic had an impact either on the development as on the modalities with which the Urban Games were developed and carried out. Building on this experiences a manual has been realized, where we propose two different versions of an urban game, with different degrees of interaction with the urban space. This differentiation was tailored to provide a versatile system that could be used in a variety of contexts and situations.
Please find below the Urban Games Manual !

The Manual is available also in Italian and in Lithuanian.